Retooling documentary films
Inspirational narratives
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From the Northern villages of Trentino, to the village of Cava de’ Tirreni in Campagna, “Stiletto Murders” will dive into the misogynous culture of Italy and try to understand the macho mentality that arms the hands of husbands, ex-partners, boyfriends, and leads them to murder.
Forest Troop is an independent documentary production company based in Cyprus and Greece.
The company is a home for documentary professionals, visual storytellers, photographers and editors from around the world who wish to create original, inspirational cinematic narratives with a higher purpose, breaking away from the roads already traveled, leading paths to innovation.
The Snake Charmer follows Bollywood star Aamir Khan on a journey through India’s television and film industry, as he attempts to change the way Indians perceive and treat women.
Turkish soap operas have taken the world by storm, conquering the hearts of millions of viewers in the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans and Asia. The film unravels the secrets of this phenomenal success that transcends religion and culture.
Krisis is a feature documentary film that fuses the material collected during the filming of The Prism GR2011. It is the synthesis of the different stories narrated in The Prism GR2011, into a feature documentary that explores how Greece and the Greeks are experiencing the crisis, looking into the hearts of the people.
The Prism GR2011 is an experiment in collective documentary filmmaking, combining different perspectives on Greece, as seen through the lenses of 14 photojournalists.